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Outfit of the Day #2

Good morning y’all! I am so late posting this ootd but I still wanted to share it with you. This is what I wore to my son’s kindergarten graduation! It was a very exciting day. I was very happy yet sad because my baby boy is growing very fast!

I work third shift so when I came home I literally had like 25 minutes to get changed. On top of having so little time to get ready I had no idea what I was going to wear but I came up with this cute outfit and I even got some compliments on it at the ceremony. I really like how good the pink, brown and gold colors look together.

secondhand clothes

Everything I’m wearing is thrifted except for my earrings. I bought the dress at Goodwill and the purse and shoes from Thredup. Below I’m sharing the brands of the items.

Dress: Old Navy

Purse: Fossil

Shoes: Vince Camuto

I had a lady compliment me on the dress and when I told her I got it at Goodwill she looked surprised. She said it’s easy to find things there when you’re skinny. I’ve had multiple people tell me this before and I sincerely think that they haven’t really gave Goodwill a chance. Many times I’ve looked at items I thought were so cute only to find out it was a size large. Size in my opinion isn’t a factor.

Years ago when I didn’t know much about Goodwill I also thought it was just a bunch of junk. Boy, was I wrong! Now I know how to shop at Goodwill and I think if more people learned how their views of it would change.

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