As a family of four on a low income buying my family quality clothing used to be a struggle. That is until I changed where we shopped at. Before I would often shop at places like Kohl’s, JCPenny or the mall. I would usually spend about $200+ per family member just to get us through each season. And I would do that twice a year for Fall/Winter and Spring/Summer. That quickly became a problem for us. I hated buying full priced clothing especially for my kids because they barely got a chance to wear it before they outgrew it. I quickly found a solution to my problem. Now I can still buy quality clothing but for much less!

Now I am about to tell you my absolute most favorite place to shop at these days. That would be Thredup. I feel like a lot of people still haven’t heard about them and that is a shame. Thredup has a HUGE selection of used and new clothing. There is something for everyone no matter what your budget is! Of course everything is in good condition. I have even came across many new items with the tags still attached. I could spend hours browsing their items and never get bored. So far I have already ordered from them 3 times and have never had any issues. The only thing I do not like is that they do not sell men’s clothing. That is the only real bummer for me.
Now let me show you some of the cute items I’ve bought from Thredup!

Isn’t this dress adorable? It was under $8! They have so many cute dresses for little girls it’s so easy to get carried away.

I just love this Gymboree sweater that I got for my son! It was under $7! This is an amazing deal as Gymboree can be expensive.

I love these black Sam Edelman flats that I got for less than$25! That purple stuff on my foot is a nasty bruise I got after ramming my pinky toe into my kids wooden table by accident. And oh man it was the most painful thing ever! (Besides giving birth).

More cute flats from Michael Kors! And they were only $28!
These were just a few of the many items from Thredup I have purchased. As you can see they offer a great selection of quality clothing and shoes for a great price! If you spend over$79 you get free shipping, which is great for me because I always spend over $100.
I also enjoy shopping at Goodwill and other thrift stores. You never know what you’re going to find in Goodwill and that’s what makes it so fun. Changing where I buy our clothing has dramatically reduced our spending and I’ll never go back to paying full price.