Hey everyone, I can’t wait to share some of my best tips on saving money with you all! Over the last couple of years I’ve made small changes in my daily life that have added up to big savings! At first it may not seem like there is any money to be saved but if you look closely at your spending habits you will most likely see that there is room for improvement. Little changes can really save you a lot in the long run! I’m going to let you in on some of the ways I save big every year.

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Tips on Saving Money :
1. Getting Rid of Cable
I cut off our cable over a year ago. It was one of the best decisions I’ve ever made. I don’t miss it at all! How many channels do you actually watch? Probably not many. I stay at home all day with my kids and I still don’t watch it all that much. There’s just too much work to do. Last year I bought a smart TV and we are able to watch whatever we want. I can find educational shows for my kids on YouTube or Netflix. I know lot’s of people who’ve also cut their cable off and it’s not because they can’t afford it. It’s because it doesn’t make sense to pay $50+ on cable when they are so many cheaper options like Netflix, Vudu, YouTube, Hulu etc.
2. Using a Water Pitcher
Earlier last year I stopped buying bottled water and bought a [easyazon_link identifier=”B01FXN3E74″ locale=”US” tag=”thriftandsp02-20″]Brita pitcher[/easyazon_link] instead. I was spending $3+ every week on a case of bottled water for my family. That’s over $144 a year on water! If you have a big family you may be spending a lot more. I really like the Brita pitcher. You have to buy [easyazon_link identifier=”B00008IHL8″ locale=”US” tag=”thriftandsp02-20″]filters[/easyazon_link] for the pitcher but they are very affordable. The water taste amazing from the pitcher I will never go back to bottled.
3. Eating at Home
Eating at home is probably the best way to save money. I’m not saying to never eat out because we definitely do but it’s not often. I love cooking and I love seeing my family enjoy something that I made. Making meals for your family doesn’t have to be time consuming. I always cook enough to feed us for 2-3 days. Doing that saves me time and money!
4. Using More Cloth
I hate throwing money away and that is exactly what you’re doing when you use disposable diapers and even paper towels. Using cloth diapers will save you thousands of dollars. You can read about some of my favorite cloth diapers here. I still use paper towels but mainly for draining greasy foods like bacon. When I have a mess to clean up I always use cloth towels.
5. Buying a Diva Cup
I hope this isn’t tmi but I love my [easyazon_link identifier=”B000FAG6XA” locale=”US” tag=”thriftandsp02-20″]Diva Cup[/easyazon_link]. I have saved so much money since buying one and I honestly can’t see myself ever going back to tampons. It’s too bad I just found out about these last year, I would have bought one years ago!
6. Thrift Shopping
This is one of my favorite ways to save money! I love thrift shopping you never know what you’re going to find. Thrift shopping doesn’t mean that you’re dirty it means you’re smart! All too often people are spending money they don’t have just to keep up with everyone else. What kind of life is that? I would rather shop smart and know my family is still going to have a place to live because I didn’t spend all the rent money. Read about one of my favorite places to get quality affordable second hand clothing here.
7. Making my own Cleaning Products
I like to use vinegar and baking soda for everything! It’s really cheap and it’s not toxic like pretty much all of the store bought cleaners. I am also obsessed with my [easyazon_link identifier=”B0157FZN8G” locale=”US” tag=”thriftandsp02-20″]diffuser[/easyazon_link]! Instead of using harmful air fresheners I use [easyazon_link identifier=”B00THDTG7E” locale=”US” tag=”thriftandsp02-20″]essential oils[/easyazon_link]. I have found that diffusing oils is cheaper and more effective than using air fresheners. The oils last a long time because all you need is a few drops and you will have a wonderful scent all throughout your home. I find that the air fresheners scent doesn’t last as long as I would like.
I hope that you enjoyed reading my tips on saving money and hopefully you will implement some of them into your lives. If you have any tips that work for you I would love to hear about them, I’m always looking for ways to save more money!

Menaka Bharathi - Bloggers Pit Stop Crew
Monday 6th of March 2017
Nice tips, useful for people who really are looking to save up. Thanks for Joining the Bloggers Pit Stop
Friday 3rd of March 2017
You have great ideas for saving money. i have done most of these things. I do need to experiment with healthy cleaners and essential oils. I am just starting to realize how toxic the chemicals in traditional cleaners are. #Pitstop
Friday 3rd of March 2017
Thanks Michele! I'm sure there's even more that I could do. I'm all for saving a dollar when I can!